Grand Pacific Drive

"An old train powered by steam, hustling through neighbourhoods across seas, forests and rivers. Taking a sip of hot tea, i stare at the horizon. Inhaling, i let my eyes feast on what is ahead..." It is a dream of mine to travel to rural areas where farms are still green, where people smile when rain falls, where children laugh when being chased by puppies, where people love food and most importantly life itself. Peru perhaps?

I have always thought if i were to have only one of the five senses, i will always choose to have sight.

It is for moments like these when i am holding my breath letting myself be overwhelmed by it.

Life is beautiful. It is.


Anonymous said...

and i thought u said u hated writing...... Haha, at least ur blog is 1000000000 times more interesting than me.....

Kenny Choo said...

Hahaha where the cbox gal? Faster wei!

YukiRye said...

Hello Kelly~
Nice... Just read your previous post.
I love it man.
I understand your feelings and I felt the same. (If I get the chance to do it)
How's ya?